Why “For the Rest of Us”?

Once you start studying Japanese, you will encounter other students of Japanese who insist that studying kanji is a breeze. They brag that they can look at a kanji flashcard once or twice and remember it forever – how it looks, what it means, as well as what it sounds like. They say they know hundreds of kanji after just two or three months of studying. These people don’t understand why kanji can be such a struggle for so many.

Well…this system is not for them.

The K-FRU system is for everyone who finds studying kanji to be a time consuming pain. It is for everyone who has already spent hours upon hours of time studying kanji with meager results. It is for every student who has yet to begin studying kanji but who wants a way to study kanji as efficiently and effectively as possible. It is for every Japanese student who has thought about the daunting task of mastering over 1900 kanji needed for Japanese proficiency and given up before they began.

The K-FRU system is for the Rest of Us!

Where to find K-FRU.